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Writer's pictureChristine Cofer


Hello my followers. Sorry I have not posted much on here, but I've been busy working on my next book. I am taking the time to let in on a little of what is in store.

First of all, I want to start by thanking everyone for your support. I have met a lot of new people on this journey and trying to get my name out there is hard to do with low finances. The only thing I can do at this point is word of mouth and passing around my postcards. So, if you know of anyone that likes to read what I write, then pass the word.

Now, on to the good stuff. This next book is a little different from the first. How? you ask. well, let me say this (and I whisper) there's sex HAhaaa… Just warning you. This book goes all out and I do not hold anything back. I sort of regret that in Flesh and Desire, but it is what it is. I can only go forward...right?

I also took initiative and did a few chapters by other characters POV. It isn't until later on the book, but it was something that had to be done.

There are new love interests created for a few characters, and some light is shed on Chloe's family history.

Writing this book has opened up my imagination and not just vampires and wolves, but mystics and magic and fantasy stuff. I am learning things as I go. I eventually want to write separate stories about other characters. such as Drake and Erik. Chloe's mother and Stephen and so on. It will take time to do this since this isn't my full time job.

I am almost finished writing it, but then there is the editing process. It took me awhile to figure out a title. I would unveil it when the book come out, but I will let you know now to give you something to look forward to. And, I know you cant wait. So here it is.... UNTAMED DESIRE To be released soon, so, stay tuned for more updates!!

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